Brooks Running

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Shutting it Down

I made the decision to shut down my winter training and take my annual 3 weeks off a little early this year. After weeks of attempting to train in sub 10 degree weather, ice and snow, a nasty sinus infection put the final nail in my winter training schedule. I am sure its for the best. My training started to suffer early on in December. My last 19 mile long run was the weekend after Thanksgiving, and my 8-10 mile tempo runs could not be done without risking life and limb. I am still planning on going south for a couple of weeks and getting in some good runs but for now I am sitting on the couch eating like crap and enjoying the life of a sedentary slob. When I return its back to base core training and re conditioning myself for my spring training. Ah the cycle of life continues.