Brooks Running

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What it takes to get back in shape

After that brutal Midwestern winter it has taken me 10 weeks of conditioning to get myself back into shape again.  I am in that ready to start training shape.   Its amazing how fast you fall out of shape even more amazing how hard it is to regain your lost fitness.  On memorial day I will be running my first 5k of the year to test my fitness level and put down a baseline to build from.  The idea of running sub 6 minute miles right now seems painful, but as I have learned over the last 5 years of training, put your trust in your training and your body will respond.  My mileage has returned to 50 miles a week or more, and as of right now we are steadily building up to 60 miles plus for the start of marathon training.  Lots of goals for this year.  Staying healthy, racing more, and setting some new post 40 PRs in the process.  2014 will be exciting.

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