I had a little fun with my long run today and turned what was initially going to be long and slow into a strong tempo run. I have been feeling really good this week. My energy levels are at an all time high, thanks to the changes in my diet and my yoga / stretching/ core hybrid work that I have started to do on a regular basis this past month. I think that bumping my mileage down to only 30 miles of quality running per week has been a welcome change from the banging and beating my body receives during the months of July - October.
I have switched up my routes for this training cycle and have been enjoying my long runs on a modified version of the 5/3rd Riverbank run course. I have returned to the East Grand Rapids HS track for one grueling track workout per week, and will be changing up the course on my mid week 6 mile tempo run every other week. Change is so refreshing, and way more interesting. Been listening to the Explosions in the Sky, and the new Sigur Ros live album and a little of Sagovia playing Bach. New cycle, new music.
I have noticed a dramatic change in my energy levels when running close to my anaerobic threshold on the track. I am keeping really good records of my diet again and am hoping that this new found feeling of "Bright Eyes" is something that can be repeated week in and week out. I suspect that I have been malnourished for the past year and that I am just now starting to give my body what it needs to perform at this level.
I am thinking about going down to North Carolina to visit my parents in March and running a Half Marathon as a tune up for the 25k in May. I know that I am getting ahead of myself with my winter training, and I do realize that November might be cold, but January is an ugly beast. I really need to be able to run outside this year. I hate treadmills, small 11 lap per mile indoor tracks, sticky exercise equipment and gyms in general. I want to just go all hardcore this winter and tackle the dead cold and own it. I see the need for some new winter gear shopping in the not so distant future. I am excited, with the brightest of eyes.
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