As mentioned in a previous post I am going to attempt to use the Furman First Program for my build up stage to the 25k that I am running in May. I do not plan on following the plan exactly as written, but using a modified version of this plan for this next training period. I do plan on focusing my training for the next 16 weeks on the 3 day running week with 2 days cross training days. How and why I am modifying the plan is pretty simple. I agree with the basics behind the program but think that it suffers greatly with its pacing. I am going to do a speed workout on the track every week but focus on my Vo2 max numbers from my previous training cycle. As much as I like running sub 6 minute mile repeats I think that I will save those workouts for more half marathon specific training in the summertime. I can see myself getting red lined running these times, and know what my body needs for a Vo2 max workout.. As for the tempo runs, I am pretty sure running @ 6:30 pace is fine for me but I am sure I will also benefit running more realistic 6:40s in my tempo runs. I don't plan on running any 10ks this year and only focusing on running 13.1 and 26.2 miles so tempo pacing 15 seconds under my mp pace seems a perfect fit.
For the long runs I will run my normal long run that has always worked for me before. My long runs have always been a modified tempo like run. Easy - MP - Easy runs progressing towards running more MP runs more towards the peak training session.
Now that I have butchered my plan of using this plan, I will say that I do like the idea of taking a day off between the 3 main sessions and cross training on the other 2 days. I am planning on doing a simple easy run or a shake out run tonight just to ensure a nice fresh set of legs for my long run in the morning.
I have also started to do core work every other day of the week and a yoga / stretching session of 45 minutes every day. I have started to pay more attention to my nutrition and am altering my diet as we speak. Small steps first and more performance specific as the year goes on.
So, looking into the next 16 weeks of winter I am hoping that these small changes in my training will help me when February 1st comes around and the real training begins. For now, its these small steps that I hope will propel me towards a better future.
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